A Journey of Hope: Nabeel Younis’ Path from Refugee to Graduate

Fleeing religious persecution in Pakistan, Nabeel Younis embarked on a perilous journey that ultimately led him to Cuesta College, where he recently graduated with an associate’s degree in computer science and networking.

The Journey to Cuesta College
Nabeel’s journey began in Pakistan, where as a Christian, he faced severe persecution. Seeking safety and a better future, he left for Panama to attend the World Youth Day conference. The conference, attended by the Pope, served as a crucial steppingstone for Nabeel, allowing him to leave Pakistan. However, the journey that followed was anything but straightforward.

From Panama, Nabeel traveled through Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico. The trek was fraught with dangers, including a harrowing 16-hour journey packed in a trailer with hundreds of other migrants, without food or bathroom breaks. Despite these hardships, Nabeel’s determination never faltered. He eventually arrived in the United States in February 2022 and was granted asylum in May 2023.

Finding a Home at Cuesta College
Upon arriving in San Luis Obispo, Nabeel was determined to continue his education and Cuesta College emerged as the beacon of hope he needed. Nabeel received support from NGOs and later qualified for in-state tuition and financial aid, which covered his educational expenses.

Nabeel speaks highly of the welcoming and supportive environment at Cuesta College. He recalls the help of Estella Vasquez, his first point of contact, and the valuable lessons he learned from professors like Chris Akelian, Amelia Marini, and Steve Leone. The faculty and staff at Cuesta played an instrumental role in nurturing Nabeel’s academic growth and boosting his confidence.

Pursuing Passion and Career Goals
Nabeel’s interest in information technology and cybersecurity was sparked during his time in
Panama, where he learned to code while awaiting employment authorization. This newfound passion led him to major in computer science and networking at Cuesta College. His education was complemented by practical experience through an internship with Cuesta’s IT department, where he applied classroom knowledge to real-world scenarios.

Looking ahead, Nabeel is set to further his education at CSU Channel Islands, majoring in Information Technology and Cybersecurity. His ultimate goal is to pursue a career in cybersecurity, a field he finds both intriguing and exciting.

A Message of Hope and Persistence
Nabeel’s journey is one of immense courage and perseverance. He hopes his story will inspire others, especially those facing similar struggles. His advice is simple yet profound: maintain an undying faith, stay persistent, and keep working towards your dreams. “The squeaky wheels get the oil,” he said, emphasizing the importance of persistence and resilience.

For Nabeel, Cuesta College was not just an educational institution; it was a transformative experience that equipped him with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to chase his dreams. As he continues his journey, Nabeel remains deeply grateful for the support he received and is committed to making a difference in his new community.

“Where I am today, Cuesta College has a great partin that,” Nabeel said.


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