SCCRC 2024-25 Sub-Award Notifications (Round 9)

SCCRC 2024-25 Regional SWP Spending Plan (Round 9)

SCCRC 2023-24 SWP Sub-Award Notification – Round 8

SCCRC SWP Signed Master Agreement Feb 2017-June 2020 & Addenda

SCCRC SWP 21-22 Base and Incentive Spending Plan (Round 6) FINAL 12-9-21

SCCRC SWP 2022-23 (Round 7) Sub-Award Notifications (Rev 2-14-23)

SCCRC SWP 2022-23 17% Incentive Funding Allocations 9-30-22

SCCRC 2023-24 Regional SWP Spending Plan (Round 8) FINAL Sept2023

Expanded Uses of Strong Workforce Program Funding – Sept 22, 2023

CC SWP Reporting Timelines – Feb 2023