Upcoming Meetings & Events

Association of College & University Educators (ACUE) – Course in Effective Teaching Practices with a Concentration in Career Guidance and Readiness

ACUE Training Available – 2019/2020 Cohort!

We are pleased to announce that SCCRC is again partnering with the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) to offer its Course in Effective Teaching Practices with a Concentration in Career Guidance and Readiness to a limited number of faculty participants. The Course is designed to credential higher education faculty with a nationally-recognized Certificate in Effective College Instruction endorsed by the American Council on Education (ACE). The goal of this program is to support faculty and strengthen teaching with evidence-based practices that promote student learning and 21st century career readiness. All training and program costs will be covered by Strong Workforce Program funding.

The Course consists of 25 modules that you will complete online working with a cohort of other faculty and guided by a faculty facilitator. This is the only required in-person meeting for the training and you only need to attend ONE of the two events. At the event, you will complete your first program module.

The first event will be held on Thursday, Oct 10 from 6:00 – 9:00pm in Valencia. (The exact location will be provided once confirmed.)

The second event will be held on Friday, Oct 11 from 9:00am – Noon in Oxnard/Ventura. (The exact location will be provided once confirmed.)