State of California’s Distinguished CPA Academy Award Recipient – Pacifica High School Culinary Arts Academy

Congratulations to Chef Kristen Collins and the students of the Pacifica High School Culinary Arts Academy on their recognition as a Distinguished Academy!

The Culinary Arts Academy represents the very best of what California has to offer, according to the team at the California Department of Education. “We could not be prouder of your achievement. Across the state, educators in countless academies work tirelessly to provide students with the support and opportunities they need to succeed. However, it is clear that the Culinary Arts Academy at Pacifica High School stands out as a model of excellence.”

It takes a dedicated community to achieve this distinction. The CDE team recognizes the teachers, faculty, support staff, counselors, administrators, district support, and industry partners who have fostered a collaborative, student-centered learning environment that exemplifies the core values of a California Partnership Academy. They were especially impressed by your team’s camaraderie, strong cross-curricular connections, and deep industry partnerships that provide invaluable mentorship and internship opportunities. The sense of community and belonging among the PHS Culinary Arts Academy students—cultivated through the cohorted classes is “truly remarkable.” The commitment to excellence, inclusion, and student success is inspiring.  Read More…

More information can be found about the Pacifica High School Culinary Arts Academy on Instagram, @phs_culinaryartsacademy.

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